Hello and welcome to my blog!
My name is Stefan Scherzer, and as you can imagine, I will tell you something about me on this page.
thank you for being here and reading my blog!
some business related facts about me:
I’m Co-founder and CTO of learney.com. Learney.com is revolutionizing the search for education offers.
We help our users to find, compare, and book the right education based on their level of interests, experiences, strengths, and learning habits throughout their life.
Starting your own company is quite challenging, but it has a lot of fun, and one of the best things about it is that you learn so many new things in a short amount of time. I like the challenge, and I’m looking forward to telling you more about this part of my life as soon as there are interesting new stories to share.
Before I started my start-up, I was Director Technology for Europe’s most significant employer review and rating platform kununu.com.
I was responsible for my team members in Vienna and Porto.
By the way, Porto is a great place to be. If you didn’t visit it yet, you should book your next stay there.
As Director Technology, I was part when kununu decided to go west and open a Boston, MA location.
I had the chance to talk to our former joint venture partner by that time and lay the foundations for this partnership.
Then in 2016, we started to grow our team and expanded to Porto. At this time, it was one of my responsibilities to hire and get our team ready there.
I need to tell you I enjoy working with people from different countries and cultures.
It’s sometimes challenging, but in the end, you learn so much, and that’s just priceless.
But I wasn’t always in the Director Technology position.
In my career at kununu, I started within the position of a full-stack web developer.
Together with the two founders and a designer, I created the whole platform and made it successful.
In 2013, XING bought kununu. This gave me even more possibilities for me to grow within kununu.
Apart from my primary responsibilities, I still love to be hands-on and solve challenges by digging deep into code.
During my earlier years, I studied at a college for electronic data processing and organization.
Today, when I want to learn new things (which happens often), I take part in MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course).
of course, there’s also a private life, and yes, I also want to share something about it with you.
I was born in Vienna, Austria, and I’m living in this lovely city since then.
Interesting side notes: In 2019, Vienna named the most liveable city for the tenth time.
In my free time, I spend time with my charming wife and our three awesome kids.
When there is some time left, I love to go to the gym and do some workouts to stay healthy and fit.
I did a half-marathon once, and some 5k runs. Guess what I’d like to do? I want to join some more running events soon. You can find a list of them in this article.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my workout routine changed a bit. Since the spring of this year (2020), I focus more on running and even canceled my gym membership.
I also love to be creative, draw some pictures, and take some beautiful photos of landscapes and animals.
I’m sure there’s a lot more I could tell you, and I promise I’ll do by writing some helpful blog posts soon. One of them, called “My personal User Manual – What you should know about me,” is already online. 🙌
For now, that’s it with the about info!
Welcome to share.my.articles – happy sharing!
Your Stefan