Vienna Charity Run 2019 – my personal experience

man running

Last Sunday, the 15th of September, 2019, I ran at the Vienna Charity Run together with some of my colleagues from kununu.

It was a great, well-organized event, even when they didn’t have enough finisher bags for all of those people who participated in the end.

The weather was great! It had 21°C to 24°C, it was sunny without any clouds, and not windy at all.

The Vienna Charity Run 2019 started at 9 in the morning and ended at 3 in the afternoon.

Everybody could start whenever they wanted and run, walk, move, go together with your dog, or stroll around with your stroller and the whole family.
The idea behind the Vienna Charity Run is that you collect a sticker for each completed lap which is 1.5km long. In the end, the collected stickers will be exchanged from the organizer into money and donated to the Sterntalerhof.
In the end, 1850 people took part at the Vienna Charity Run 2019.

How I experienced the Vienna Charity Run

Me after finishing the Vienna Charity Run

My colleagues and I decided that we met at 10:30 in the morning, pick up our start numbers, take a beautiful group picture, and after that, start running.

After we did all of these, I started my run at almost 11 o’clock.
My personal goal was to collect stickers until the Vienna Charity Run is over at 3 pm – as such, I had 4 hours to go.

After 2 hours 12 minutes 13 seconds (pace: 6:16 min/km), I finished the half-marathon distance of 21.0975 km.
At this time nasty cramps started in both of my upper and lower legs.
But I didn’t stop moving. I decided for me that from this point on I will walk until the Vienna Charity Run is over.
And so I did.

The organizers had arranged a station where you were able to get something to eat and drink during each round of the course. I have eaten some bananas and cookies and trank isotonic drinks. I think that helped a bit. The cramps were still not gone, but after each round, they were getting less.

Finally, after 3 hours 58 minutes 31 seconds, I finished my 20th round – I had 20 stickers collected!

I’m so happy that I persevered until the end! It was a great feeling to be able to achieve what I’ve planned to do!

That’s it for now!
Maybe we see each other next year at the Vienna Charity Run 2020!

Check out the other running events where you can still meet me in 2019.

Suppose you are curious why I share this experience with you, no problem. You can get a hint here.
If you want to know more about me or even get in contact with me, you can find more info on my contact page.